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Discover the exceptional quality of Porcelain hardneck garlic, renowned for its rich, strong flavor that is not overly hot.
Music offers extremely large bulbs with huge cloves that are easy to peel, making your cooking experience seamless.
Each bulb contains approximately 4-6 cloves and is known for its medium spiciness, a favorite among garlic enthusiasts.
Elevate your dishes with the unparalleled taste and convenience of our premium garlic selection.
Properly cured, this popular garlic variety can be stored for 4-6 months,
Hardneck garlics are the best option for Northern gardeners, as they tend to be cold hardy and can withstand extreme winter temperatures.
Suggested planting in USDA growing zones 3-8, not recommended in extreamly warm climates.
All seed is shipped as full bulbs, and will begin shipping in September for fall planting.